What are Dreams?

by Thomas


What are dreams?
What are dreams?
Table of
Introduction p3
Chapter 1:What are dreams and how many do we have a night? p4
Chapter 2:What are the stages of sleep? p5-7
Chapter 3: What are the different types of dreams? p8-9
Chapter 4: How do our brains create dreams? p10-11
Chapter 5 : How can we hear sounds in dreams? p12
Chapter 6 : How can foods affect our dreams? p13
Conclusion p16
What are dreams? There are days we wake up wondering what we did for those 8 hours we were in bed. Some of us go to breakfast ready to talk about the dream we had through the night while others believe we were only resting our eyes. We don't know much about the meanings of dreams, but we do know a lot about the why, when and for how long. Dreams can change your attitude and your perspective of many things. Knowing more about dreams and your sleep cycle can help you understand what things affect those 8 hours you are sleeping. So come along and find out!
Table of
What are dreams? There are days we wake up wondering what we did for those 8 hours we were in bed. Some of us go to breakfast ready to talk about the dream we had through the night while others believe we were only resting our eyes. We don't know much about the meanings of dreams, but we do know a lot about the why, when and for how long. Dreams can change your attitude and your perspective of many things. Knowing more about dreams and your sleep cycle can help you understand what things affect those 8 hours you are sleeping. So come along and find out!
Fun Fact:
You wake up before you die in a dream because your brain can't simulate what will happen after death.
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Chapter 1: What are dreams and how many do we have a night?

Dreams are still mostly a mystery, but there are a lot of studies shown on what goes on when we dream. For example, studies have shown that dreams are simulations that your brain creates to sort wanted and unwanted thoughts,feelings,and memories. Many people believe that they only have one dream a night if at all, however, an average person has about 3 to 6 dreams every night. Most of these dreams are brainwashed from your memory, which is why you tend to completely forget what you dreamed about once you wake up. “People dream as long as 2 hours a night, but not consistently.” So what are we doing in between?
Picture 1: Shows man going through sleep cycle.
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Chapter 2:What are the stages of sleep?

“A person will cycle through the stages of non-REM and REM 3 to 6 times per night, on average.” REM(Rapid Eye Movement sleep) is the stage of sleep where we dream, however before we get there we go through three other stages. The first stage of sleep, Stage 1, begins when you start to doze off. Your body has not calmed down officially yet so you can be easily woken at this stage. You enter Stage 2, when your pulse, breathing and body temperature all begin to slow down. Your brain waves slow and you enter deeper sleep. In Stage 3 your muscles relax and your breathing and blood pressure drop even more. This is the deepest part of your sleep. The last stage of sleep, Stage 4, is called REM(Rapid Eye Movement sleep.) In REM sleep your brain becomes much more active, this is when dreams start to occur. There are many people who believe that they dream all night, but you really only dream for 20% to 25% of the time you are asleep(about 2 hours).People spend 50% of their sleep in Stage 2, 30% in stages 1 and 3 and only 20% in REM.
Chapter 2: What are the Stages of Sleep?
Chapter 2: What are the Stages of Sleep?
Graph 1: This graph shows the sleep cycle you go through at night