Climate Change

by Vivaan


By Vivaan Naik
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Table of Contents

- What are Climate Change, Global Warming, and CO2 Emissions? - pg4

- How do Climate Change and Global Warming Affect Humans and Animals? pg5

- How Can Climate Change/Global Warming Be Stopped? - pg6

- Why Do People Think Climate Change and Global Warming Aren’t Things? - pg7

- How does Climate Change/Global Warming Affect The Polar Regions? - pg8

- How Does Climate Change/Global Warming Affect National Parks? - pg9

How Does Climate Change Have An Effect On The Doomsday Clock? - pg10

- How Are Carbon Emissions Good and Bad For Us, And How Can They Be Solved? - pg11

- Ocean Pollution, and How All Pollution Contributes to Climate Change - pg12

- Factories and Their Humongous Impact on the World - pg13

- Cryptocurrencies - pg14-15

-Droughts - pg16

Climate Change, Global Warming, and How They Are Slowly Eating Away at the Earth
What are Climate Change, Global Warming, and CO2 Emissions? 

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts are usually and may be natural, but since the 1800s, primarily human activities have been the main driver of climate change, mostly due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas) which produces heat-trapping gasses, causing climate change, and also causing the heating of the Earth, which leads to animals having to adapt quickly to the rapidly changing climate. Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities strengthen the greenhouse effect, causing climate change. Most is carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas). The largest emitters of CO2 include coal in China, and large oil and gas companies, primarily owned by Ukraine, Russia, and the US.
A pie chart of what is part of our annual carbon emissions
How do Climate Change and Global Warming Affect Humans and Animals?

Climate change is bad because it causes unnecessary ecosystem change, and global warming is bad because it melts polar ice, and overheats the ecosystem. Climate change can cause more or less rain, causing either a drought, or a flood. Flooding can drown or destroy things, also causing the ocean to overflow. A severe drought means you have to rely on your annual reservoir water. Once-in-a-lifetime storms such as EF5 tornadoes, or 9.0 earthquakes are happening more often due to climate change. Plus, when a major climate event happens, the animals don’t have much time to adapt before it changes to another climate, which means they have to adapt quickly to environments they aren’t used to, which could make them die, which is extremely risky, because the ecosystem is already really bad because of mass hunting and extinction of animals that play a huge role in the food chain. If more animals die, then the extinction of even MORE animals would take place, and once there aren’t enough animals for the people who hunted them down to eat, the humans will start going extinct. This is why switching to vegan or vegetarian temporarily can help solve this problem. In Antarctica, climate change has affected it by melting glaciers, giving oceanic creatures more space, but causing primary land animals to have to rely on small pieces of ice. Then, they can drown.
How Can Climate Change/Global Warming Be Stopped?

Climate change/global warming can be stopped by just following some unused simple practices. They don’t even require things like MrBeast to keep picking up trash and planting trees. Even though that is extremely helpful towards a better planet, we don’t need 7.9 billion MrBeasts planting trees and picking up trash for every dollar donated. Just so you know, MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson) is an extremely famous American YouTuber who is known for giving away large amounts of money for fun, reaching big achievements, and planting trees, and picking up trash. Some examples of how to solve climate change is to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Fossil fuels, such as coal, gas, need to be extracted from the ground. The more you burn, the worse it gets. You can also switch to low-mileage gas cars, or electric cars which can travel far without running out of battery. People can also switch to sustainable energy, such as solar, tidal, wave, or geothermal energy. Improve farming and vegetarian/vegan diets. One of the best ways for small families to commit to stopping climate change is to start eating more vegetables and vegetarian food, so that the animals can change the problem a bit. Plant more trees to absorb about 1.5x as much carbon, and make 1.5x more oxygen.