Sheltering in Place

by Andrew


By Andrew
Sheltering in Place
I was going to school one day. It was a normal Friday. Then, later that day the school made an announcement that said we would not be going to school because of coronavirus. I was happy at the beginning,  but after awhile it started to get really boring. Then, 5th grade came and I was scared. What could happen next?

It was weird the first day of remote learning from home because I am so used to going to class and seeing my friends. But now we were on a computer in the mornings. I was kind of nervous in the beginning, but then it started to get fun. We started doing scavenger hunts, math, and I enjoyed some of my art lessons. Bye the end of 4th grade I was used to going to online school and not going to school in real life.

After 4th grade was done,it was summer break. It was so boring I almost wished I was in school instead and I have never said that before in my life. Then, finally after it felt like many years it was my 11th birthday. We stayed home and that was probably the most boring birthday I ever had. I was going on walks and watching movies during summer break. Then for the rest of the summer we started to play monopoly it was really fun win I would win but not as fun win I would lose. 

I think in January we may be going back to school part time. It will be weird talking to my friends and seeing people from my school in real life because I have not seen them that much in such a long time.  I will be excited to see my friends in real life and I will be excited for things like P.E. and Science because P.E. Is fun in real life but at home it is not as fun. Going back to school will be scary because I will have to wear a mask. My prediction is that we are not going to have recess when we go back. 

The coronavirus caused our school school to start remote learning. Summer was boring because it was the first time I could not go outside. Now that it is fall, I am having fun in online school and I think it is really interesting that everything is on zoom now. I wish I could meet all my friends in real person but I am enjoying online learning because we get to do fun math lessons still and we do art that looks really cool.

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