One Chance

by Mia M


One Chance
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Sarah was a girl with a dream. She wanted with all of her heart to someday be an author! She just didn’t have the motivation to pull it off.
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She tried desperately to find something to write about so she could become a star… but there was nothing that came to her mind. She looked everywhere.
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“I could write about planets,  
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 or birds, or the sun! But it doesn't feel right.”
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She said walking into the school depressed.
wrote on a paper in class;
We treat everything so horribly that we could lose so fast. We need to stop pollution. We need to join hands and find our way to the top. We need to be higher than
the trash piles that lay in the dump. We need to save our only planet from dying. We… have one chance.
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She kept on writing until the bell rang to go home. She finished the book at her house before dinner. Her parents looked at it and disapproved.

She tried and tried to make it good enough. It was pages and pages long. She took it to the mailbox and shipped it to there friend who was a publisher.
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It went threw the mail. It was put on a plane and shipped all the way to the other side of the world. It was sent in the next few days. Their friend liked the book so much, made around 200,000 copies.
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The book was everywhere and she became famous for her work! She also inspired many other people to take care of Earth and stop bullying.

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She overcame her fear and was rich with her family her whole life. This is the story of a seven-year-old that saw a problem and made her entire life better by writing one single page of inspiration. She later made many other books and donated to help sick and homeless people everywhere.