My First Drum Performance

by Nakul

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

I was eating breakfast half asleep. I was eating my pancakes as slow as a sloth. Then my dad told me in an excited voice that I have my first Drum performance today! My mouth dropped, my spoon fell out of my hand. "What?, there is no way I can perform in front of a small crowd!" I yelled. "But you can't can't miss your first performance," my dad told me. Now I was starting to feel very nervous! I was already starting to shake a little bit. Now from the feeling of being tired, now I didn't feel that good anymore.
Nervous face! That was how I felt that time
I went upstairs and changed into my really good clothes. When I came down stairs my dad told me that the show was at around 5:00. After a while, it came to the point where it was time to leave and go for my performance! My family and I got into the car and drove off. My stomach felt oddly warm along the way. When we reached, I saw more people than I had expected. So I sat in a chair and waited for the announcer to call the song I am supposed to play the drums on.
We drove to the place