Documentation of Learning

by stasia s

Pages 4 and 5 of 12

DOL For September 8 Due September 16th
This week I wanted to reflect on multiliteracies as it stood out to me. In the picture above, there is a brain with two sides. One side being a brain, and the other being a heart, which represents that the brain is the heart of learning. On the left (more logical side) shows a motherboard in the background and on the right (more creative side) shows paint splatter. This symbolizes that everyones brain is different, even when it comes to learning and understanding. Some students prefer strictly reading and writing where as others might need images and music to help learn. This is relevant as a teacher because students’ brains do not always work the same, and implementing multimodal literacy allows and acknowledges that students are not literate to one type of literacy.

Being literate in a more traditional sense means to be able to read and write in your native language, which can be problematic as it limits those who are not as efficient in reading and writing compared to others.Things like print, image, music, and speech play an important role when it comes to alternate teaching methods and should not be left out of teaching language arts. Examples of multimodal literacy would be a website, where it has images, words and maybe even sound effects. This would be a great resource while teaching as it provides a helping hand for some.
Grouping Learners
DOL For September 15 Due September 23rd
I chose this picture of students working together in a group setting to emphasize cooperative learning. This type of learning allows for children to get into pairs or groups and do activities to help strengthen their ideas in, for example: a poem. One activity the textbook calls for is a type of peer tutoring. For example, one student will read a poem out loud and the group will come up with interpretations of what they think the poem means. This way, cooperative learning can be graded on a group basis rather than an individual one. This makes the educators job easier for planning and implementing lessons since the groups are usually divided on similar aspects such as skill or grades.

I thought touching on this type of learning was important because it is a fun and important way to learn in a classroom. Grouping learners helps with daily planning for a teacher, and benefits the students. Collaborative work is proven to increase the exchange of ideas (Gillies & Boyle, 2006), self-esteem (Miller, Topping, and Thurston, 2010), and confirmation of understanding (Evans & Moore, 2013) between learners.