We're Going on a Pumpkin Hunt

by Susan Goodman


Book of the Month
When they see this icon, your child can tap or click on it to start a voice recording of the text. This way they can access the activities in the book and develop their independence as learners
Stirling Council's
Pledge to Play
This book gives you the opportunity, as a family, to look at a story and engage in some learning opportunities that can be linked to it. These are linked to both Education Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence, Early level and Stirling Council's Play and Learning Framework. In nursery, educators use both to plan play based learning experiences for our children.
The Importance of Reading in the Early Years
" Sharing stories, songs and rhymes with babies and young children has many benefits including supporting children's language, learning and social skills."

Scottish Book Trust, 2021
"Reading allows us to be transported from our own world to another. Between the pages of a book, we can become immersed in the lives of fictional characters and learn about a culture entirely different from our own. We can also learn new words and phrases, experience a range of emotions and acquire new knowledge and skills."

"Language is an important expression of identity... Through their reading, children and young people are able to explore other peoples experiences, emotions and relationships in the safe contexts of literature."

Scottish Executive, 2006
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Mediterranean Black Widow
Play and Learning Framework
* Participates actively in poems, rhymes and stories

* Discusses characters from stories and rhymes

*Demonstrates understanding that stories involve a sequence of events
Curriculum for Excellence
* I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language, and can use what I learn.

* Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message

* I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes.