International Womens day

by Rotar Voichița Mariana & Moș Ileana


by Rotar Voichița Mariana & Moș Ileana
The activities were carried out by the following teachers:

 1. Rotar Viochița Mariana ROMANIA
2. Moș Ileana ROMANIA
3. Borș Elisabeta Edit ROMANIA
4. Caruceru Paula ROMANIA
5. Gălățanu Gabriela ROMANIA 
6. Răuță Lenuța ROMANIA 
7. Viorica Urzica ROMANIA 
8. Borzei Mariana Rodica ROMANIA
9.  Landea Florica-Monica ROMANIA
10. Mihaela Paduraru Comanoiu ROMANIA
11. Borș Adi Luminița ROMANIA
12. Aylin Aydin TURKEY
14. Elif Gül Moğulkoç TURKEY
15. Meltem Altundag - TURKEY
16. Ayten Akkoç TURKEY
17. Meral Gökbaş Çabuk TURKEY
18. Kremena Marinova BULGARIA
by Rotar Voichița Mariana & Moș Ileana
Family has a very special place in Turkish culture and mothers are the building blocks of this institution. Traits such as self-sacrifice, moral strength, and the instinct to protect are all considered motherly. Traditionally mothers or anneler in Turkey take care of the house and children, who will live with their parents until they get married.
Once opon a time… There was a woman, and she became a mother. We all know the process: labour, birth, growing up the child, trials on the way… And there comes a time when a child realises who gave him/her birth, and struggled to raise him/her and then the child honours the mother. Daily !!! Thanks to the fact that the child is now aware about the trials in life, about things in general and about the human bond.
The Bulgarian women choose to celebrate the International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day together. So, on that day every Bulgarian gives flower to the most precious women in his life as a sign of gratitude.
by Rotar Voichița Mariana & Moș Ileana
Ziua mamei este sărbătorită în fiecare an pentru a onora mamele, precum și pentru a respecta maternitatea ei. Mamele sunt invitate în mod special să vină la școala copiilor lor pentru a sărbători. Profesorii încep pregătirea pentru ziua mamei cu o mulțime de activități. Unii elevi pregătesc activități de rime, eseuri, poezii, discursuri etc. În această zi, mamele merg la școala copiilor lor și se implică în sărbătoare.
Sălile de clasă sunt decorate de profesori și elevi pentru a le întâmpina pe mame. Este sărbătorită în diferite țări. Copiii dau mamelor lor o invitatie speciala (preparata de ei) si le invita sa vina la scoala lor la ora stabilita. Le surprind pe mamele lor oferindu-le niste cadouri neasteptate.
Mother’s Day is celebrated every year to give honour to mothers as well as respect her motherhood. Mothers are especially invited to come to their kid’s school to celebrate. Teachers start preparation for the mother’s day with lots of activities. Some students prepare rhyme, essay writing, poem, speech, etc activities. At this day mothers go to the school of their kids and involve in the celebration.
Classrooms get decorated by the teachers and students to welcome mothers. It is celebrated in different countries. Kids give a special invitation card (prepared by them own) to their mothers and invite to come to their school at proper decided time. They give surprise to their mothers by giving them some unexpected gifts.
by Rotar Voichița Mariana & Moș Ileana
The feast coincides with the beginning of spring and that is why green vegetables such as “spinach,” or in Bulgarian spanak, and “nettles,” or kopriva, are prepared.
Mother’s Day in Bulgaria is celebrated on March 8, because this date is the Christian holiday of “the Annunciation,” or Blagoveshtenie. More specifically, this is the Christian celebration of the woman and the mother, because on this day, the Holy Mother received the “good news,” or redostnata vest, that she would be the mother of the son of God, Jesus Christ. “The Bible,” or Bibliyata, says that on this day, the Archangel Gabriel descended and told the Holy Virgin Mary the good news.
by Rotar Voichița Mariana & Moș Ileana
 The Mother’s day in Turkey is moving celebration and is always celebrated on Sunday which seems as a pretty good idea so that children, those small and big ones can enjoy and spend the whole day with their beloved mothers.
Even though nowadays Mother’s Day is considered a commercial tradition, and an imitation of the western tradition, in traditional Turkish culture mothers are considered saintly. For that reason, in Turkish there are countless maxims, sayings and proverbs about mothers. The saying that states: Ağlarsa anam ağlar, gerisi yalan ağlar, meaning “Only my mother would really cry for me, the rest would just cry crocodile tears”, suggests that mothers are the only ones who truly feel their children’s pain.
Happy Mother's Day is Anneler Günün Kutlu Olsun.
by Rotar Voichița Mariana & Moș Ileana