International Day of Nonviolence in School - January 30

by Oana Andreea Nemțoiu & Borș Elisabeta Edit


30 January The International Day of Nonviolence in School
By Nemțoiu Oana & Borș Elisabeta Edit
The activities were carried out by the following teachers:

Group 1
Mihaela Paduraru Comanoiu ROMANIA
Borș Adi Luminița ROMANIA
Aylin Aydin TURKEY
Meltem Altundag - TURKEY
Group 2
Rotar Voichița Mariana ROMANIA
Moș Ileana ROMANIA
Viorica Urzica ROMANIA 
Rabia Altunișik TURKEY
Ayten Akkoç TURKEY
Group 3
Gălățanu Gabriela ROMANIA 
Răuță Lenuța ROMANIA 
Landea Florica-Monica ROMANIA
Elif Gül Moğulkoç TURKEY
Meral Gökbaş Çabuk TURKEY
Group 4 
Borzei Mariana Rodica ROMANIA
Borș Elisabeta Edit ROMANIA
Caruceru Paula ROMANIA
Kremena Marinova BULGARIA

30 January The International Day of Nonviolence in School
International Day of Nonviolence in School - January 30
The "School Day of Non-Violence and Peace" is celebrated around January 30 every year, the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's death, in schools around the world. Its basic and permanent message is: "Universal love, non-violence and peace. Universal love is better than selfishness, non-violence is better than violence and peace is better than war". This day aims to promote the idea to educate children in harmony, solidarity and respect, tolerance, the main message of this day being "We fight violence with magic words, universal love, nonviolence and peace".
Ziua Internațională a Nonviolenței în școală - 30 ianuarie
„Ziua școlară a non-violenței și a păcii” este sărbătorită la 30 ianuarie cam în fiecare an, la aniversarea morții lui Mahatma Gandhi, în școlile din toată lumea. Mesajul său de bază și permanent este: "Iubire universală, non-violență și pace. Iubirea universală este mai bună decât egoismul, non-violența este mai bună decât violența și pacea este mai bună decât războiul"Această zi își propune să promoveze ideea de a educa copiii în armonie, solidaritate și respect, toleranță, principalul mesaj al acestei zile fiind „Luptăm împotriva violenței cu cuvinte magice, iubire universală, nonviolență și pace”.
ACTIVITY IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY: The project team is divided into 4 mixed groups. Each group consists of 5 teachers, each group has a page.
This padlet is created for students. The students will load on it with the help of the teacher the word cloud previously created on the WORDART.COM application. Preschoolers will upload drawings specific to January's theme.
30 January The International Day of Nonviolence in School
The work of the teacher:
-creating in the group, his page and uploading the PADLET for his students - material sent 2 pages on the theme "School day of non-violence and peace" (this material can be a lesson project, an extracurricular activity project, an article...)
-filling in the questionnaire for teachers
The students' work will be
- creating the word cloud on the WORDART.COM application (preschool drawings)
- loading on PADLET.
- completing the questionnaire for students