The Gaelic wars

by Niamh Butler


The Gaelic Wars
By Niamh Butler
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ella. Ella was from Dublin but moved to Galway when she was three years old. At a young age, Ella fell in love with sports she played snooker, soccer, basketball, and hockey but her favorite sports were the sports in the GAA.
Now let's get to the story.
It was the first of January 2018 it started as a perfectly normal day, but Ella did not know of the adventures that she and her friends were about to witness that week. That morning when Ella was in school, she happened to ask her teacher about GAA. Her teacher told her that GAA stood for Gaelic Athletic Association. She also said Gaelic and other GAA sports were amateur sports and they were the only national sports in Ireland.
This really angered Ella.
That evening when Ella went to Gaelic, she told all her friends what she had heard in school that day. She thought that that was bad, but her own friends knew about this terrible thing and didn't think to tell her.

"Why didn't you tell me about this, guys?"  exclaimed Ella angrily. ‘’We didn't think you’d care and even if you did, we couldn’t do anything about it. We're just kids and we don’t have the power to change the world."  ‘’Maybe you're right. Maybe we are just kids. Maybe we're not rich but we're Irish and we're proud of it so who's with me?" ‘’Me!’’ ‘’Me!’’ ‘’Me!’’ All the girls were in. They were going to make GAA a national sport NOT JUST IN IRELAND BUT ACROSS THE WORLD. 
The girls wanted to hold a protest, but they were too young, so they needed someone in higher places.
Then Kaytlyn, Ellas's friend got an idea. We could ask Joe our trainer. He loves GAA and would do anything for it.  