Fredric the potato's story

by Erin Winters


Fredric the Potato's Story
by Erin Winters
I am Fredric and right now I'm in the freezer chilling … get it freezer? Cold,
chilling no? Ok, you're probably wondering why I'm in the freezer. Well I'm a
POTATO! Yup, a potato, but not a normal potato. I can talk unlike those other
potatoes that you eat and I have powers I can open the freezer door and I can jump on counters!
Cool right?! Oh, wait you guys are humans so you won't get it, but if you were a potato you would be amazed!
There is only one problem. I live in the world's messiest house, owned by a mother and her daughter. Their names are a bit crazy! Wait, what am I talking about? They're not a bit crazy! They're crazy for sure!

The mother's name is Meatball and the daughter's name is Bolognese! Heh, why are you looking at me like that? I told you they were crazy!

I chill in the freezer because the house is so messy and they have a dog called Billy. At least his name isn't as bad as Meatball and Bolognese but every time I get out of the freezer that dog tries to eat me.
THUMP! Oh, that means they're awake. Every morning I hop into Bolognese's bag and hide in there when she is in the classroom. But today was her first day going to this school. She has to move schools because she got bullied because her name was different.

So I hopped in her bag and off to school we went. All of a sudden a lady came up and said, "So you're the one that named your daughter that horrible name how could you?" "Hey, Bolognese is not a bad name.! "Then what's your name? My name is Meatball what a great name! What? No, that's a horrible name! Well, it probably runs in the family. But no name is better than mine Patricia! It's such a beautiful name yeah, no?"

"You're right the names do run in the family. My dad's name is Spaghetti and my mum's original name was Penelope but she didn't like it so she changed it to Pasta. You know I was only joking about it running in the family. Oh my bad anyways!"
"Got to go! I hope I never see you again!"
Meatball loves to blast music when nobody else is in the car. Her
favourite singer is Ging Ging. Bolognese was learning some math. She was
learning about Long Division. It was her first time doing Long Division. The teacher came over to Bolognese and said her name was Miss Apple Bum.
She was no ordinary teacher. You would have to talk all the time because if you didn't talk she would say the class was too loud and when she started to walk away she let out the biggest fart ever! FART! The whole class shouted, "The classroom stinks!" Miss Apple bum shouted back, "Oh it wasn't that bad you should smell and hear the ones I do at home! Oh I probably shouldn't of said that whoops just don't tell the principal!"
Miss Apple bum had these really big pink glasses and she always put on red lipstick. You would never see her wear a different shade of lipstick and she would always have her hair down but I don't think she brushes her hair like at all!!
Now it's home time. Bolognese grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom for fresh air because the classroom still stank after Miss Apple bum's huge fart!
Bolognese hopped in Meatball's car she told her mum about her day. They arrived home and I hopped out of the bag but Billy the dog saw me and he chased after me and wouldn't stop but I jumped up on the counter and got back in the freezer.
Bolognese was doing her homework and she asked her mum for help on Long Division but her mum wasn't the smartest; she didn't even know what Long Division was. She asked Bolognese what it was and Bolognese was shocked she didn't know what it was. Bolognese asked Meatball if she listened in school. Meatball said she skipped a lot of school. She would cycle on a bike to school but most of the time she would cycle to the shops or the ice cream shop instead of going into the school.