A new book

by Kate Gallagher

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

It was a Wednesday night and Zach was spending another night in the local forest with all the animals. Zach had his camera, backpack, a torch, a note pad, a pen and some tipp-ex with him for the night. The night before, Zach was so lucky because he saw a rare black bear hunting for food on his camera. When Zach tried to get closer to the bear, he ran away.

Tonight, Zach wanted to get even closer to this large bear. Zach was sitting on a tree stump when he heard a strange noise that sounded like a human voice. He thought that another person must be nearby, maybe camping. He recorded some of the voices on his video camera and he was very careful not to make any noise. When he moved closer to the voices he stepped on a skinny branch. The voices ran into the darkness, not a sound could be heard.

An hour later, Zach got tired and decided to go home. When he got home, he called his friend Marissa and asked her what the voices could be. She told him to bring his camera over and she would try and find out what it was. When Zach got to Marissa’s house she put the tape in her laptop. She turned the volume up and they listened carefully.

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