A new book

by Kate Gallagher

Pages 2 and 3 of 5

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Adam who lived in a big house in a big town. One morning Adam was very excited to go to school as it was the day of the school tour to the local playground. When Adam arrived at school he got on the bus and sat beside his friend Nathan. After a short time, they arrived at the playground and got off the bus excitedly. They started playing soccer and the ball rolled behind a tall green bush and Adam ran in after to get it.

After a few seconds, Nathan was waiting for Adam and started to get worried. Nathan told the teacher and the class that Adam was missing and they all started looking for him. Finally, the teacher found Adam in the large green bush searching for the ball. Adam looked very pale as if he had just seen something very scary. The teacher asked him was he ok and he started to explain to the teacher that he had just found a weird creature. The teacher didn’t believe Adam and said ‘we must leave now Adam; the bus is waiting’.


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