My portofolio

by Maríanna Lind

Pages 2 and 3 of 61

List of contents:
1. Freestyle assignment 1 
2. Freestyle assignment 2 
3. Freestyle assignment 3 
4. Freestyle assignment 4 
5. Show and Tell 1
6. Write about How to Talk to Girls at Parties
7. Learning Styles 
8. Current affairs project
9. The Way Up to Heaven
10. Show and Tell 2
11. Global Goals
Freestyle assignment 1.

In this week's freestyle assignment I decided to write about the first episode in a new series called ‘The last of us’ which is based on a best selling video game. The story happens in 2023 in a post-apocalyptic world where a fungi has evolved and is now able to take control of people and make them do their bidding. Take the things I’m about to write lightly because I’m not gonna research but just write what I think are facts from my knowledge of this topic!. Some types of fungi can infect a host which often are ants, beetles and other small bugs and somehow make them move and do what the fungi orders the host to do. If I remember correctly it can, for example, or for some types of fungi, make the host move to a specific terrain where the fungi has everything it needs to continue its life cycle or to infect a new host because the host can also be the fungi’s source for food. The point of me writing this is to explain how scary the idea is if fungi would evolve and could take humans as hosts and what is going on in the show.