Life Full of Colors

by Connor M

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

Tears flow down Mia’s face while she sprints out of the room, trying to hold her emotions in.

She finds herself heading straight to a place of happiness and freedom, her art room.

Miguel noticing she left to go to the garage, gets up from the couch and walks over to her.

After seeing that Mia went back to painting, Miguel angrily takes a massive drink of his whiskey and thinks of how to stop Mia from continuing her silly hobby.
The next day Mia returns from school and walks straight to her garage to paint how she felt school went today.
The feeling of joy flows throughout her body, knowing she has aced her math test, and she excitedly opens the door to have another great night of painting.

She sits down on her wooden chair and practices different painting techniques to heighten her chances of being accepted into an art college.

Confusion strikes Mia when she sees her father enter the room and grab all of her paintbrushes.

Mia begs her father to put them down, but she knows he has made up his mind.

One by one, Miguel snaps them while Mia begs him to stop. Every break feels like a blade to the heart.

Once Miguel breaks all the paintbrushes, he turns toward the canvases and punches a hole into each one. Mia can hear the canvases crying out for help.

Mia asked, “Why?” Miguel tells her angrily that she will receive consequences for not listening to him.