A Chess Cheating Scandal

by Charles L

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A Chess Cheating Scandal
Chapter 1
Surrounded by the game
Jerry Mandale is a twenty-three-year-old chess player. Jerry’s father is a highly regarded well known chess player who taught his son everything he knows about the game. Jerry has always played chess, and he grew up around the game because his father played as  a professional chess player. He made it to the championship a couple of times, but he never won.
 Now Jerry is trying to win his first championship to make his father proud and beat Garfield Mcnaggy. Garfield is a veteran chess player who has won multiple world championships. Garfield plans to retire soon but he wants to win one more championship before his career ends.
Chapter 2
A Dangerous Game
The day of the championship had finally rolled around, and Jerry and Garfield were ready. Millions of fans from around the world are tuning in to watch their match. Everyone is saying that this could be Garfield's last chance of winning another championship because of his age.

As the game starts, Jerry quickly takes the lead, taking almost all of Garfield’s pawns. Jerry stayed on the attack, taking Garfield’s queen, and cornering his King. Everyone thought Garfield was finished because he was cornered. Despite this, he kept fighting, doing anything he could not to lose. He started coming back, even taking some of Jerry’s pawns, but he was cornered again. This time there was no getting out of it, and Jerry won the match.