Technology Burnt World

by Katie G


Technology Burnt World
By: Katie G
Chapter 1
Drunken Plans
The flickering neon red “open” sign illuminated the hunched backs of two men as they hastily scribbled ideas onto a pristine square cocktail napkin frantically attempting to get their ideas written down before they became too drunk to remember. Both Fredrick and Gavin had been enjoying their evening, reminiscing about old high school memories when the idea for a new type of technology materialized in Fredrick’s mind. Both men had grown up together in Philookberg, they had always been each other's #1. As soon as the idea identified itself, Frederick knew he had to convey it to his lifelong business partner and
best friend, Gavin. The duo furiously began to discuss the idea more in-depth, solidifying the foundation of what they knew could be a million-dollar project. Gavin unbuttoned his long black coat and slicked his hair back as he quickly rambled to Fredrick about the business potential this new idea had. And although Frederick never elicited these ideas, he was always open-minded toward his old friend. He thrust his glasses higher up onto his nose and rolled up the sleeves of his blue button-up shirt preparing for the long night he knew awaited them in their future. The hours ticked by, leaving the two inventors more and more invested in their conjoint project.
best friend, Gavin. The duo furiously began to discuss the idea more in-depth, solidifying the foundation of what they knew could be a million-dollar project. Gavin unbuttoned his long black coat and slicked his hair back as he quickly rambled to Fredrick about the business potential this new idea had. And although Frederick never elicited these ideas, he was always open-minded toward his old friend. He thrust his glasses higher up onto his nose and rolled up the sleeves of his blue button-up shirt preparing for the long night he knew awaited them in their future. The hours ticked by, leaving the two inventors more and more invested in their conjoint project.
Chapter 2
A flurry of clothes, papers, and limbs, rampaged through the office as Gavin stumbled his way into Fredrick's meticulous office. An eccentric look flashed across Gavin’s face as he pitched the idea of a new use for their robot technology; he had found a cunningly deceitful way to use their revolutionary technology to hack into government systems and launder money. Frederick was baffled by the mere fact that Gavin would think of such an unethical scheme which very obviously contradicted their company statement to always do good for the world and never do harm. They were both
extremely aware of the harm that the mission would be causing yet only Fredrick seemed to see that as an issue. Frederick keenly refuted the idea along with any variation of the idea that Gavin came up with. Frederick even came up with an idea to use their robots to help protect governments and cities all around the world, but to Gavin that just sounded like a waste of time, money, and resources. Gavin returned to his office, sulking about the fact that the only decent concept he had come up with for the company that didn't relate to marketing was shot down. 
extremely aware of the harm that the mission would be causing yet only Fredrick seemed to see that as an issue. Frederick keenly refuted the idea along with any variation of the idea that Gavin came up with. Frederick even came up with an idea to use their robots to help protect governments and cities all around the world, but to Gavin that just sounded like a waste of time, money, and resources. Gavin returned to his office, sulking about the fact that the only decent concept he had come up with for the company that didn't relate to marketing was shot down. 
Chapter 3
Stealing the Power
The moment he sat down the realization hit him like a pound of bricks. He had been extremely stupid to not have thought of this before sharing the idea with his “supposed” partner! He hurriedly opened one of the many cluttered drawers in his desk, shoving unfiled documents, journals, and other miscellaneous items out of the way until he located what had initiated this whole project in the first place, the cocktail napkin from all those years ago. Gavin paraded back to Fredrick’s office with the precious item clenched tightly in his fist, certain of the fact that he would be able to win any argument by claiming that he possessed the intellectual property of the technology, therefore, meaning that he can do whatever he
wants with it. The second he stepped foot into Fredrick's office, he was harshly rejected. It infuriated Gavin, he knew Fredrick had always viewed him as the inferior half of their partnership and Fredrick was always so condescending towards him. So, fueled by rage, Gavin came up with a plan to strip Fredrick of everything he had ever “earned” and destroy his public image while also having gained the power that Gavin had always desired. 
That night, after the last security guards had made their rounds, Gavin crept into the office and sneakily bypassed each security alarm. Slinking through the hallways unnoticed, he snatched the USB drive and blueprints for their innovative technology and slipped back out before anyone could notice they were gone. When everyone arrived at the office the next morning, Frederick was the first to notice the missing plans, and as soon as he did, he knew exactly who could have been deceitful enough to execute such a plan.