Bumpy Flight

by Filiz F

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

Rude Awakening
The sun rose languidly as Alex wrestled out of his bedsheets, the gravity of his predicament slowly dawning on him. Shimmying into a wrinkled pair of blue jeans, he began to calculate exactly how late he would be to school that morning, his first day of classes that year no less. He threw his backpack haphazardly over his left shoulder and tumbled down the stairs to where his mother was awaiting him.

As she shot a knowing glare toward him and wrangled him into the passenger seat of their old Subaru, he could sense an oncoming lecture. Wistfully, Alex stared out the sodden window and watched the raindrops that had just begun falling from the ominous sky. Living in Chicago, a city infamous for its poor weather, he frowned upon realizing that he would not be able to birdwatch that afternoon. He knew his father, another avid birdwatcher, would have shared in this dismay, but he had passed away three years ago. In the middle of this depressive thought, the car screeched to a bumpy halt, and he finally set off to begin his last year at Arlington High School. 
Emotional Dissection
Alex went about the day with more tenacity than he had ever committed to academics, wholly due to the fact that his chances of attending the Chicago Aviary Society’s annual bird-watching retreat next semester relied upon him earning an A in both his science and math classes. As the bell rang for the third period of the day, he and several other 17-year-olds shuffled laboriously into the dimly lit science classroom.

Sitting down in the front row of desks and taking out his laptop, Alex glanced over to the board where the teacher, a grumpy woman with gray streaks in her hair and thick glasses, had written her name. His stomach dropped what seemed like ten stories as he glanced at the board, reading the name “Ms. Heller” in thick, black marker. Staring at her now, he noticed her eyes gloss over with fury as she saw his name on the attendance sheet. His face struck a painful chord in her mind as she recounted one of the worst nights in both his and her life: the car crash.

He knew that bitter images of Alex swerving ineffectively on the icy road and of her daughter Casey Heller passing away flooded her mind in that instant.