Songbirds and Crows

by Akhil V

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Jameson trotted through the large halls of Merlin High School while the sea of students bumped and jostled him. As he made his way to the science building, Jameson’s excitement rose. He swung open the door to the classroom of the elective he has been waiting years to take, Zoology. Since his beloved grandfather passed away and left his precious warbler in Jameson’s care, Jameson was determined to follow in his footsteps and study ornithology. This class would provide the resources and opportunities to research birds and launch his future career as an ornithologist. Last year, when he talked to Ms. Crow about his love for birds, she informed Jameson that she was moved by his passion and would help him with his research. As the door opened, a large blast of cold air greeted Jameson, but his large hoodie kept him warm like the plumage of a baby emperor penguin. Jameson looked around the room expecting Ms. Crow to already be there, but he only found his equally confused classmates.
While finding a seat, Jameson inspected the room. The bird taxidermies and the endless number of books about birds on the shelves around him fueled his excitement for all that he would learn in the class this year. 
Suddenly, Ms. Crow ran into the room holding her papers close to her chest, seeming out of breath. She started talking right away as if nothing had happened while shoving her disheveled hair back in place. Apologizing for being late, she began to explain that today they were going to start brainstorming ideas for their small beginning-of-the-year research projects in which they were to study a topic of their choice and present it to the class. Jameson knew immediately that this made for the perfect opportunity to showcase his expansive love of birds. As Ms. Crow approached his table to give him the planning sheet, she froze as her eyes fell on the American Three-toed Woodpecker taxidermy positioned above Jameson's desk. Breathing fast and taking huge gulps of air, she froze on the spot. Jameson, too eager to notice anything wrong, inquisitively called Ms. Crow’s name. Snapping back to reality, Ms. Crow dropped the paper on Jameson’s desk and hastily returned to her desk as her whole body quivered.
While finding a seat, Jameson inspected the room. The bird taxidermies and the endless number of books about birds on the shelves around him fueled his excitement for all that he would learn in the class this year. 
Suddenly, Ms. Crow ran into the room holding her papers close to her chest, seeming out of breath. She started talking right away as if nothing had happened while shoving her disheveled hair back in place. Apologizing for being late, she began to explain that today they were going to start brainstorming ideas for their small beginning-of-the-year research projects in which they were to study a topic of their choice and present it to the class. Jameson knew immediately that this made for the perfect opportunity to showcase his expansive love of birds. As Ms. Crow approached his table to give him the planning sheet, she froze as her eyes fell on the American Three-toed Woodpecker taxidermy positioned above Jameson's desk. Breathing fast and taking huge gulps of air, she froze on the spot. Jameson, too eager to notice anything wrong, inquisitively called Ms. Crow’s name. Snapping back to reality, Ms. Crow dropped the paper on Jameson’s desk and hastily returned to her desk as her whole body quivered.