Revenge isn't the Way

by Preston M

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

Pushing Through
It has been two weeks, 15 year old Isabella is preparing for a huge math test that can really impact her future academic opportunities. Jenna decides to start messing with Isabella earlier in her studying process. Jenna attempts to distract Isabella by playing loud and distracting music. Minutes later, Jenna accidentally spills a cup of water on Isabellas notes, causing Isabella to panick and frantically rewrite her notes. The night before the test, Isabella is up studying while Jenna is watching TV. In the morning Isabella wakes up to see that Jenna has ruined all of her writing supplies leaving Isabella with only one pencil for her test. Despite all of these setbacks, Isabella remains determined to take, and pass this test. While taking the test, Isabella struggles reading her notes written in pencil, this causes her to notice that Jenna has also taken all of the erasers. Isabella refused to let this slow her down.
In the end, Isabella receivers her test results and discovers that she got an A+.Despite Jenna’s efforts to sabotage her, Isabellas hard work, and determination paid off.
The Final Test
Isabella stood in front of her locker anxiously. She has worked very hard to maintain her perfect GPA and had her heart set on ending the year with straight A’s. However, Jenna had other plans. As Isabella reached for her books a cold liquid splattered onto her shirt. Isabella knew right away that Jenna had stuck again. Ruining all of her school work and endangering her chances of completing the year with all A’s.

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