Being Good at Something isn’t Always Good

by Noah P


Being Good at Something
isn’t Always Good
Rounded Rectangle
Home, Sweet Home

is hand clamps down on his alarm clock, desperately trying to stop its cries. Daniel stretches to find a shirt with no holes and throws on the same worn jeans he wore yesterday. His job starts whenever he wants, so he doesn’t have to hurry although he still does. His passion for guitar takes control and drives him out the door. He rushes past his little siblings, hugs his mom, and runs out of his house with his most prized possession, his guitar.
Through the fall streets of New York he strolls, past the dozens of brightly lit pizzerias and gift shops filled with “I Heart New York” t-shirts. Even though he sees the same streets every day, the towering skyscrapers and architectural masterpieces always steal his breath. He settles down on the same corner as yesterday,
New York
unlocks his guitar case as he would a safe, and pulls out his guitar. Using his imagination as sheet music, he begins to play. And like every day, the large crowd of awed faces slowly grows.
Horrible Trip down Memory Lane
ameron Jefferson walks to get his morning coffee and nearly gags on the view of the average, boring-looking people surrounding him, like coal surrounding a diamond. Then a music note pierces his discomfort, killing it on the spot. Marvel drives him to find the musician, but when he does, a hammer of pain smacks him in the face. Before him stands the man who ruined his life. The crowd parts for a put-together producer like Cameron as he stumbles over to Daniel, and just like in 8th grade,
the last time he had the displeasure of looking at Daniel face-to-face, Cameron’s face turns firetruck red with hatred. 
Keep Your Friends Close and Keep Your Enemies Closer
Do you w
Jefferson I
he following day Mr. Jefferson confidently saunters over to where he caught Daniel playing the day before, but this time he knows just how to make Daniel experience the pain that Daniel made him feel. Daniel grabs Mr. Jefferson’s business card out of his hand immediately and absorbs himself into the small red and black words. The card reads: “Big Money Labels, Jefferson Inc.” in big black letters, and the smaller red ones right below read: “Do you want money and fame?
Then we are your best bet Dial 555-843-2274!” The thought of obtaining more money for his struggling family overwhelms his mind. And with his clouded judgment, Daniel dials in those 10 little numbers in pursuit of his savior with not-so-savior intentions. 
False Gold-en Ticket
he next day, Daniel puts on a fresh pair of clothes under his sweater. Since his mom worked overtime to buy it, this sweater, therefore, is another one of his cherished possessions. Looking as neat and venerable as he possibly can, Daniel strolls into the fanciest building he has ever had the chance to revel in.
Mr. Jefferson’s office makes Daniels's house resemble a closet, he quickly observes as he sinks into an armchair slightly too short for
Mr. Jefferson’s large oak desk. “Play for me,”  demands Mr. Jefferson. Daniel’s hands sheen with sweat as he strums his guitar although playing typically relaxes him. When he finishes, Mr. Jefferson’s eyes still bore right through Daniel, but then he, after what seems like an hour, starts to clap. Daniel’s worries disappear in a wave of relief, this solace sticks with him as he impetuously signs his passion away to a man who only wants to ruin him.
Money Can’t Love You Back
’m worried about my family.” Daniel pleads with Mr. Jefferson, “Are there any jobs closer to New York?”
“You care about the money right?” Daniel nods. “Well that is what I am offering you, and