Dreaded Dry Days

by Lily Amato

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

As the author of 'Dreaded Dry Days' , I would like to share with you the effects of drought on our farmers and on our rural communities and how it has impacted families emotionally and physically.

Currently, Australia has various regions that are in significant drought. Our regions are drier than ever and as a nation we come together to support our local farmers and their families who provide our fresh produce for our cities.

Lily Amato
Dreaded Dry Days
Drip, drop, drip, drop.
The dams are dry and so are our sores.
Outside, the ground separates into uneven blocks
But our minds collect our sadness and hopes.

Hopes of rain - torrential rain.
Rain that rarely comes.
Rain that would wash our worries away and
Bring food to the mouths of our young

Water me, water me! The soils yell out,
No water comes out from the sprout.
Dry as a bone, no drip or drop,
We head for a dreaded dry drought.

Stalks stiff and lands dry
Thirsty trees and no flowers waving goodbye
Talks of rain and happy cows
Were all just a fairytale.