Community Service

by FISO Students


How to help the planet
By: FISO Students
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Now you may be thinking, how can I help? I'm just a kid. Here are a few ideas that anyone can do in their day-to-day life that help our planet.
Take shorter showers
A lot of water and energy is wasted when people shower for too long. Taking shorter showers, getting in even before the water is warmed up, even just turning the water off while you wash your hair can save energy.
Riding your bike or taking public transportation
* Only 1% of american cars are electric
The average person spends 4 years of their life in the car. Doing things like riding your bike short distances instead of driving, taking a train for longer rides, or car pooling with your friends can help save the earth one step at a time.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Reduce: compost, try not to use plastic items, use cloth napkins not paper, buy local
Reuse: donate old clothes, reuse store bags, reusable containers like water bottles
Recycle: make sure that you put trash in the trash bags and things that can be recycled in the recycle bin
Eat less meat
Eating less meat, becoming a vegetarian (no meat) or a pescetarian (no meat but fish) , doing meatless monday... all of these things help. In order to make room for planting food that animals eat, we have to cut down our forests, which is a really bad thing. Also animals like cows release bad gasses when they fart into the air.