Danger to the World of Nature

by Ethan YU

Pages 4 and 5 of 18

What should we do?

Toklo didn’t understand why they couldn’t move somewhere else. The elders had lectured about the great tiger, Arcturus always watching over them and the great tiger Arcturus sending them signs and the great tiger Arcturus blessing them with this blissful tree. But Toklo had never believed the great stories the elders told. He only believed that if they didn’t move now, the flat faces will get them. The other tigers had never seen what happened to the other tigers which had gone missing. They never knew where the other pack of tigers went. Who would listen to a lowly patrol tiger? Why don’t they understand what the flat faces do?!

‘It is time to go to land. The signs of Silaluk say so.' Nisa said. 
‘Already?!’ Asked Kallik.
‘Yes. Now,' said her mother ‘The ice caps are melting too fast. We will swim to land and in between, we will rest on ice.' 
Kallik swam and swam and swam and finally, she found a piece of ice. She climbed onto it and felt like she wanted to sleep there forever. Nisa cuffed her cub lightly. ‘It’s okay little one. You can rest now.'
They continued swimming for land and finally, they were there. 
Kallik found how easy it was to sleep. She rested her sore legs on a patch of leaves and fell into darkness.