A new book

by Muhammad Qasim (Student)

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Mirza sahiban is one of the popular romantic story.This is
organized in 16th or 17th century.

Mirza and sahiban grew up together in small village. And
then they went to study for nearby village .they loved each other and run away
together to live with each other and marry against sahiban Parents wishes.
While eloping mirza stopped under a tree and rested and fell asleep. Sahiban
did not want to begin her new life with her brothers bloodshed. She decided to
break all the arrows of Mirza thinking she will beg her brothers for their
acceptance so that nobody would get hurt. When sahiban’s brothers reached them,
Mirza woke up but discovered his arrows were broken and then he was killed by
Sahiban’s brothers. Sahiban couldn’t bear this loss and chose to end her own
life by stabbing herself with an arrow.
Mirza sahiban is one of the popular romantic story.This is
organized in 16th or 17th century.

Mirza and sahiban grew up together in small village. And
then they went to study for nearby village .they loved each other and run away
together to live with each other and marry against sahiban Parents wishes.
While eloping mirza stopped under a tree and rested and fell asleep. Sahiban
did not want to begin her new life with her brothers bloodshed. She decided to
break all the arrows of Mirza thinking she will beg her brothers for their
acceptance so that nobody would get hurt. When sahiban’s brothers reached them,
Mirza woke up but discovered his arrows were broken and then he was killed by
Sahiban’s brothers. Sahiban couldn’t bear this loss and chose to end her own
life by stabbing herself with an arrow.

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