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by Christopher Dagher


Mental Health, Childhood Trauma, and Maturing
Fiction Novel
Mrs. Carbone's Book Club
The Catcher in the Rye
Book Synopsis
Centered around a young teenager during the 50s, the Catcher in the Rye follows the story of Holden Caulfield after he is kicked out of his boarding school Pencey. Knowing that his parents would be furious when they found out about his expulsion, Holden spends a few days traveling to New York City and living on his own. Through his adventures in New York City we learn of his struggles of maturing and adjusting to the transition from childhood to adulthood.
We recommend this book to people of all ages but we believe that the ideas from this book are especially important for teens who often struggle with transitioning into adulthood just like Holden. Overall we would rate this book a 10/10 because of its engaging plot and storytelling mixed with important themes that can apply to anyone's life.
Listen to Our Podcast
Posted by: Christopher Dagher and Ryan Ortoleva
In our first episode of the Rye Readers, we discuss the Catcher in the Rye. Our discussion goes in depth about Holden as a character along with his struggles, actions, and mental health issues. We also talk about underlying meanings throughout the book and reveal important symbolism. Our podcast covers the book in its entirety and major spoilers for the ending are present.
Illustration of Holden wearing his infamous red hunting hat

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