The Bell Jar

by Ava Wood-Muller

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Mrs. Carbone's Book Club
Surviving Through Struggles of Mental Health
Comic Panel 1
The Bell Jar
Synopsis and Recommendation
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is a novel about a 19 year old girl, Esther, who attends college in New York City. The book is from her perspective and emphasizes her feelings during certain situations. As time passes, Esther begins to lose interest in her favorite subject, poetry and also becomes self-conscious. The book connects to the personal life of Sylvia Plath and is written almost like a diary. Sylvia Plath associates with Esther because of their similar struggles with mental health. Sylvia and Esther were both academically successful girls who were interested in writing poetry, but were unfortunately overcome by depression. Sylvia wrote The Bell Jar as a way to explain that she felt suffocated and trapped under a bell jar during most of her life, separated from the rest of society. Similarly, Esther feels the same way as she grows up and becomes more self-aware as a woman.
We recommend this book for readers who want to explore the effects mental health can have on a young person. However, there are mentions of suicide, self-harm, and electric shock therapy. If any of these subjects make you uncomfortable, we advise you not to read this book.
Listen to our Podcast !
By Ava and Mari
In this Podcast, we review The Bell Jar and ask each other questions to inform readers on the moral idea of this story. We dive into the personal life of the main character, Esther, and her many struggles that she faced throughout her college life. We explore different symbols that we noticed and answer questions from the book, head, and heart. We hope you enjoy!

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