A new book

by Emily Looney

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The Secret Life of Bees
Synopsis and Recommendation
Set in South Carolina, 1964. The Secret Life of Bees tells a story about a young white girl named Lily Owens. Her mother was killed when she was 4, leading her to grow up with a constant need for a mother figure. After her mother's death, her father never showed true love to Lily. This led Lily to the point where she couldn't stand her father anymore, so she escaped with her "stand in mother", Rosaleen. They escape to Tiburon, South Carolina, a town that holds her mother's past. She's taken in by a trio of black beekeepers, August, June, and May. Lily learns all about the world of bees, honey, and some traditions held by the August sisters. This novel shows true Female power along with a girl who is able to find herself in a world she feels lost in.
Our group feels that we would recommend this book to someone who may have trouble finding themselves and feeling as if they fit in. Someone who has differences that sets them apart from other people. This book explains that no matter how lost and hopeless you may feel, their are people that are just like you. It make take some time and tough lessons to learn, but eventually you will learn and find that there are people around you that care. When you are able to find and discover the wonders of these people who care about you, you are able to find yourself and true happiness.
Listen to our podcast!
Posted by: Emily Looney, Trevor Buydos, and Sophia D'Angelo.
In our podcast, we discuss the story of 'The Secret Life of Bees', digging deeper into some of the meanings and significances seen throughout the book. We talk about major spoilers in the podcast so of course it is recommended to read the book fully before listening in.

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