A new book

by Andrew Clougherty

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The Journey of Discovering Inner Peace
Philosophical Fiction
Mrs. Carbone's Book Club
Comic Panel 1
The book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse is about a man named Siddhartha in ancient India. Siddhartha was born into a religious household and village. However, he begins to feel that how his village follows Hinduism does not help himself find inner peace (Nirvana). Because of this, he leaves his home and village to find this inner peace. During this journey Siddhartha learns many lessons from his teachers and from the experiences that he has with them. All of these lessons point to Siddhartha to the direction of inner peace.

We recommend Siddhartha to all readers due to the ideas that it holds. One can learn new things about themselves and their world through this book. The book does, however, have some complex themes, ideas, and writing that the reader will need time to think on to completely comprehend. The short length of the book does help its audience with this extra time since there is not a great deal of reading after one fully comprehends what they just read.
Published by Andrew C., Mason, Micah, and Sal
This podcast will go over questions referring to the philosophical, spiritual, and ethical themes raised in Siddhartha. Each of the interviewees will share their answers on the questions supplied by the interviewer, allowing the listener to get a wide variety of opinions that they can use to gather knowledge on the novel.

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