A new book

by Nina Nichols


Mrs. Duhamel's Book Club
Blood Meridian by Cormic McCarthy-
Humanity is violent, purpose is useless
A young boy runs away from home, travels across the southern US border and ends up in the company of the Glanton Gang, a merciless group of scalp hunters, joining them on their massacre across the desert lands of the Texas-Mexico border.
Genre: Classic/Anti-Western
Finch Nichols
Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo-
The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo tells the story of four men attempting to seduce a young gypsy called La Esmerelda, during the year 1482, in medieval Paris.
Genre: Classic
Edith Williams
Podcast Overview-
Main Points-
  • Why would someone want to read your book?
  • How is religion incorporated into the theme of your novel?
  • How does the main character develop over the course of your novel?
  • How do racial tensions of the time feed into your story?
  • What does the author want you to take away from the experience of reading this novel?