Book Creator

Libro nuevo

by Alejandro Herrero Arnaldo

Pages 2 and 3 of 61

New Year's Day (January 1)
The night before New Year's Day, many British citizens watch as the clock tower's minute hand finally reaches midnight. (The tower is popularly but incorrectly known as "Big Ben," which is actually the name of the large bellwithin it.) At this time, Big Ben (the bell) rings in the new year.

Many people celebrate either by having parties at home or by going out to pubs and partying with friends. Some people also make new year's resolutions, as is customary in the United States and many other countries around the world. In Scotland, it is a common tradition to sing "Auld Lang Syne" at midnight to bring in the new year.
Big Ben
One of the most widely known symbols of New Year's Eve is the image of the Clock Tower at the Palace of Westminster, in London, counting down the last minutes of the old year. The first chimes of Big Ben, the bell housed in the Clock Tower, in the new year are broadcast live on radio and television.
This is followed by a spectacular fireworks performance, often centered on the London Eye, which is claimed to be the largest Ferris wheel in Europe.