(copy) The monster of the attic

by Nora

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

The old stairs were creaking under their footsteps. And on top there was a wooden door. Nick was feeling bad about tiptoeing out of bed and exploring the attic. What if something happened? What if the old floorboards were breaking under his or Ylvie's weight? But when he watched Ylvie he noticed that she didn't look worried or scared. Ylvie was excited and she found it funny to walk around in an old house with her brother.
“Hurry up and help me open the door!”, Ylvie said and just a moment later he tried to open the door. They worked together and needed all their strenghts, and so suddenly the door opened and Nick fell down a few steps.
The air in the room was freezing cold and fresh, not like the moldy smell that they expected. It was pitch dark and the children could hear the wind howling outside. Somewhere there had to be an open window! “Take your mobile-phone out and we will see if we find a light switch”, Ylvie said completely fearless. Nick agreed, but he had left his phone downstairs. So, it was still absolutely dark, and Nick imagined the most dangerous monsters in the darkness. He was trembling and not just because of the cold. Nick said with a fearful voice: “Come on Ylvie, let's go to bed and explore the attic tomorrow.” He wanted to take her hand, but she wasn’t standing next to him anymore.