(copy) Ein neues Buch

by Pete

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

The hunter
It was a cold and windy night in late October. Tim and Sarah were camping in the woods. There was a full moon and lightening was flashing through the sky. The leaves were rustling in the wind and an owl was hooting somewhere in the darkness. It was Sarah´s birthday and she wanted to celebrate it in the woods. Tim was a bit scared because he had never been camping before and especially not in such scary woods.
It was cold and the kids were searching for a place to sleep but it was not easy, it was pitch dark and they couldn`t see anything. After a while they saw lights in a house. Sarah and Tim were looking through the window and they couldn’t see anybody in it. Tim went into the house and Sarah waited outside. She was really scared when she was alone in the woods.
Suddenly Sarah heard a gunshot, and she ran into the house. As soon as she entered the house the lights went off. Tim ran to Sarah and asked if she also heard the gunshot. Sarah´s body was shaking with fear. They listened for a few minutes what happened outside, and Tim said he heard footsteps. The kids went upstairs and closed the door, it looked like it was a bedroom.
Tim and Sarah heard a strange sound like a door was opened. They could hear footsteps approaching slowly, they heard that someone went up the stairs. Sarah screamed and the door opened, an old man aimed with a gun on them. The man said that they must leave otherwise he would shoot them.
Suddenly Sarah heard a gunshot, and she ran into the house. As soon as she entered the house the lights went off. Tim ran to Sarah and asked if she also heard the gunshot. Sarah´s body was shaking with fear. They listened for a few minutes what happened outside, and Tim said he heard footsteps. The kids went upstairs and closed the door, it looked like it was a bedroom.
Tim and Sarah heard a strange sound like a door was opened. They could hear footsteps approaching slowly, they heard that someone went up the stairs. Sarah screamed and the door opened, an old man aimed with a gun on them. The man said that they must leave otherwise he would shoot them.
 Sarah`s voice trembled with fear, and she said they have no place to sleep. The old man asked if they were the thieves who made the mess. Tim cleared the situation and told the old man that it was Sarah’s birthday and they went camping in the woods, but they couldn’t find a place to sleep. The man understood their problem and let them sleep in his house.
Speech Bubble
Before Tim and Sarah went to bed Tim asked why the old man had a gun at home. He said that he is an excellent hunter. The next day Tim and Sarah went home and saw a picture on the newspaper and next to the picture was an article that the man won the price for being the best hunter in the world. Tim and Sarah couldn`t believe it.