(copy) Is this real?

by 4F

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

It had a dull colour, and they could hear bats flying around. They went into the Hospital and looked around for a bit. George found a room with the name of his mother on it. As they entered the room, they couldn’t believe what they saw. George started to cry while Toby comforted him. 
In the room they found the dead body from George ‘s mother. It had a very bad smell and looked like it was rooting. There was old blood everywhere and rusty syringes. In the room there was a broken computer. 
Suddenly they heard a voice telling them to run but they didn’t listen. So, they went to more rooms in the hospital and entered the new-born ward. In the new-born ward it smelled like old baby powder and cream. There were broken beds everywhere and in the walls were holes and rats lived in them.