A new book

by Esther J


area 51
by: Esther Junger
page 1: what is area 51?
page 2: the cold war
page 3: spy planes
page 4: military planes
page 5: UFOs
what is area 51?
Area 51 is the unofficial name of the us air force. Also known as the USAF.
Most people believe that aliens are there. But really its just the air force. Any information about Area 51 was kept classified, or hidden, from the public 
until 2013. the site was erased from images that were taken from satilates. witch means area 51 is a plot hole for conspiracy theories.
the cold war
in the 1930s and 1940s the us and the ussr (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.) were allies during world war two.
after the war the ussr wanted to spread there from of government, known as communism, to other countries. witch the united states did not want to happen. this was the start of a era called "the cold war". it lasted from the late 1940s to 1990s.
a test base was built at area 51 for projects Aquatone ( sometimes called  Paradise Ranch.) in 1955.
Area 51 was first used to test Project Aquatone's U-2 aircraft. At first, the base included just a hangar and some tents that were u-sed as offices.However, recent satellite images show several hangars, buildings, and runways. It's unclear when these additions were built.
spy planes
military projects
During the late 1950s, Soviet missile technology improved. The CIA began to worry that the U2 mite have to be replaced. they were right in the 1960s. the CIA planned the Lockheed A-2 OXCART as the U2 replacement. a fact about the A-2 is that it was able to reach altitudes of 90,000 feet.