Suicide Awareness Book

by Emmaline McDermott

Pages 4 and 5 of 5

Comic Panel 1

I fell so fast and felt so alone,
Therapy was my intervention before disaster struck
Without it my families life could’ve gone totally amuck
Others go to therapy but some can’t afford it
Some people go ahead and ignore it
In order to help others we should petition to make therapy cheaper
In turn this could make the difference steeper.
On a website called SAVE it states with great force, 
“There is one suicide death in the US every 11.5 minutes.”
Suicide is normalized in modern media
Unfortunently Depression is often confused with acedia 
Just trust me it all starts with you 
If you see someone struggling there is so much you can do 
Help them along
We all may be different but
We all sing the same song
No rest until we all feel loved
Now its time to rise above
All our hate and rage
Now its time to sit and think about how we can engage
Fix the problem storming the nation 
In this country we must move forward
And send mental health problems on a permanent vacation
Comic Panel 1
Mental Health Love Sticker by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Sticker by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Mental Health Suicide Prevention Sticker by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Mental Health Education Sticker by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

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