Book Creator

Fish of the Adriatic Sea

by Alenka Banić Juričić

Pages 2 and 3 of 19

There are plenty of reasons why you should spend your holidays on the Adriatic coast, especially in the Croatian part. It is immensely beautiful, with plenty of amazing islands, and it has so any amazing sights that go all the way back to the Roman Age. This is everything you could hope to experience if you want to visit the Mediterranean. Additionally, the food is spectacularly good, and an important part of the diet around here is fish. If you're a fishing enthusiast, you'll be delighted to know that getting a license for that is extremely easy, plus there are plenty of species of fish you can hope to catch. To give you a sense of what you can expect to catch, this booklet gives a quick overview of the most common fish in the Adriatic. The contents of this book have been created our 7th and 8th grade students.
BRANCIN (lat. Dicentrarchus labrax)
il branzino, sea bass, der Seebarsch
Sea bass is a white fish that lives in schools all over the Mediterranean. In Croatia, we call them brancin or lubin. It can grow up to 0.5 meters and can weigh about 5 kilos. Sea bass are usually dark-blue or silver-gray. They are mostly night hunters, feeding on small fish, crabs, and shrimps. They spawn from March to June, mostly in inshore waters.