Book Creator

Universal Story - Slovakia

by Základná škola Štefana Koháriho II. s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským – II. Koháry István Alapiskola, Fiľakovo

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A great while ago, when the world was full of wonders, there was a knight called Fulko. He was a proud and rich young man. He lived in his own castle in Fiľakovo. He was so handsome that all the girls wished to be his wife. However, he didn’t respect women. He loved amusements. His favourite hobbies were eating, drinking and hunting. He had friends everywhere in the world. Once he was hunting for bear in the Romanian forests, the other time he was flirting with pretty women in Spain. He travelled the world looking for adventures. When he ran out of money, he just came back to his stone castle in Fiľakovo.
He adored riches and wealth. He was able to cheat people to get more and more money. He even had an illegal mint in the cellar of his castle where he counterfeited coins. There was a secret underground tunnel in his castle and he could smuggle gold coins out of his home easily. So he was a dangerous and greedy young man.