Book Creator

A Deeper Understanding

by Mackinzi Wheeler

Pages 4 and 5 of 45

About the Artist I choose
Water pollution is taking place in our beautiful state of Montana. The choice in using Jason Clark a local artist was because of his powerful call to action to the water in Montana helps bring the reliableness and importance to students. As well as being an unenrolled Native American he is able to stamp the picture of the oral stories about the water he grew up hearing.
Clicks Creek
Monotype. 2018
Deep Pool
My goal of this lesson is to bring Native American culture to the classroom while also linking it to the modern world and current events we as a society are facing. While also having content heavy discussion and understanding of pollution students are able to interact with visual art. The story is within each of the pictures from his exhibit. He brings in Native Lore that has been passed down for hundreds of years while also bringing current world events to his artwork. With him focusing on Montana it is the realization that this is occurring in our backyard.