Book Creator

Perspective of the Youth

by Daniel B


Perspective of the Youth
Perspective of the Youth
A collection of poems.
By: Daniel B
-Life is a Fire-

Life is a fire, wild and free

Sometimes its treasured, by letting us see.

We use our new gift to find us more fuel.

But how could we know the results would be cruel?

The flame was a gift, that we used for bloodshed

We are the parasite that makes this world red.

The anger we leak symbols our menace.

Soon we will burn inside that deep crevice.

Life is a fire that burns out of control.

When the ashes burn out, we rest in our Sheol
-The Smoothie-

Plump plump


Shaka Shaka
Shaka Shaka


Shaka Shaka
Shaka Shaka


Glug glug glug glug glug glug glug glug

-The Day Never Ends-

My feet splish splash in the slushy snow.
The rain pours down in fast Vancouver fashion.
Normally I can’t wait home, but today is different.
When I get home, my wet socks make a trail of water across the floor.
My bag slams on the ground, and I lay on my bed.
I hate homework with a passion.
I waste the rest of the night writing, researching, and calculating.
All to the sound of nothingness
Tomorrows another day.
-Our Home is Gone-

As Cold as ice
As Random as a dice
As hard as a rock
As annoying as a clock
As dark as a cave
As unprivileged as a slave
Life is the road to death
Death is the shelter from whats left of our fallen world.

As I role the dice
Hoping for a high number
Dang, a 1 on top.
Burgers are the best.
Beef and cheese and fried onions.
I can’t wait to eat!
Over the first hill
Wind is rushing through my face.
Roller coasters rock.
