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by Roman Rai

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Roman Rai
Hello everyone my name is Roman Rai. I am in fifth grade and I go to Crawford Elementary School. I love my school. Today I am going to share my story about my family and their country Bhutan. Bhutan is a small country in Asia. My parents were born in Bhutan.
नमस्कार सबैलाई मेरो नाम रोमन राई हो I म क्रफोर्ड एलेमेंतेरी स्कूलमा कक्षा ५ मा अध्यन गर्छु I मलाई यस विद्यालय सार्है मन पर्छ I मेरो यौ कथा मा मेरो बाबा आमा र उवाहरुको देस भुटान को बारेमा समाबेस गरेको छु I भुटान एशिया महादिप्मा पर्दछ र यो देस सानो छ I मेरो बाबा आमा भुटान मै जन्मेका हुन् I
When my father was young he lost his mother and had to spend all his life with his step mother. My mother has the same story as well. They use to work in a farm and helped their families growing crops and looking after the cows and goats. They use to sell oranges and other fruits in the market. My father use to grow a lot of vegetables as well.
जब मेरो बाबा साना थिए उनले आफ्ना आमा गुमाए र सौतेनी आमासंग आफ्नो बाल्यकाल बिताउनु पर्यो I मेरो आमाको पनि यस्तै पिडादायिक कथा छ I साना छदै दुवै आ- आफ्ना परिवार संग खेति बारीमा मदत गर्न थाले I खेतमा तरकारी फलुने काम गर्नुका साथै उब्जेको फल बजारमा गएर बेच्ने गर्थे I
My parents were from very poor family so they could not afford to continue their school. Neither of them completed 5th grade. There are lots of different kinds of people in Bhutan. Most of them are Buddhist and some of them are hindu. One day people of our origin were said to leave the country by the government of Bhutan. Lots of Nepali people were scared and had to leave their land, property and everything behind and fled the country.

दुवै परिवार धेरै गरिब भएकै कारणले धेरै स्कूल जाने मौका पाएनन I कुनैले पनि कक्षा ५ सम्म पनि पढ्न पाएन I भुटानमा धेरै किसिमका मानिसहरु बस्ने गर्थे, कोहि बौद्ध धर्मी त कोहि हिन्दु धर्मी मान्ने गर्थे I एक बखत नेपाली भासी हरुलाई त्यहाका सरकारले देस निकाला घोसणा गरे I धेरै मानिसहरु डर र त्रासले गर्दा आफ्नो जग्गा जमिन, घर, पुर्खेउली सम्पति सबै छाडी भाग्नु पर्ने अवस्था आयो I
After leaving Bhutan, my parents with their parents started living in the refugee camp in Nepal. My father at that time was 16 years old and my mother at that time was 11. They didn’t go to school again in the refugee camp and started working as a child labor. They got married and at an early age and we were born. I have two older siblings and they both care me. We went to school at refugee camp and I was in 2nd grade when we had to move to USA.
भुटान छाडेर नेपाल भन्ने देस मा गइ सरणार्थी जीवन जिउन बाध्य भए I मेरो बाबा १६ वर्षका थिए र मेरा आमा ११ वर्षका थिए I सरणार्थी क्याम्पमा स्कूल पढ्ने मौका पाके थिए तर उवाहरु पढेनन र साना उमेरमै काम गर्न थाले I ढुंगा गिट्टी को काम गर्दा गर्दै मेरो बाबा आमाको भेट भएको हो र उवाहरुको बिबाह पनि भयो I उवाहरुको ३ सन्तान भयो जसमा २ छोरी र १ छोरो जो कि म हु I मेरो दिदि हरुले मलाई धेरै माया गर्नु हुन्छ I हामि सबै रेफुजी क्याम्पको स्कूलमा संगै पढ्ने गरथेउ I म जब २ कक्षामा थिए तब हामीहरुको अमेरिकामा पुनर्बास भयो I
We came here in Colorado and started living in an apartment. It is beautiful and a big place to play. I also have a TV to watch and computer to play games. I want to become a pilot when I grow big and fly my airplane all over the world.
अमेरिकाको कोलोराडो सहरमा हामि सबै सगै बस्दै आएका छौ I हामि अपार्टमेन्ट मा बस्छौ र मलाई रमाइलो लागेको छ I यहाको हरेक चिज निक्कै रमाइलो र आकर्षक छ ठुला ठुला भवन केटाकेटीको पार्क र स्कूल निक्कै रमाइलो छ I अहिले हामीसंग टेलिभिजन र कम्प्युटर छ र म धेरै समय कम्प्युटर मा गेम्स खेलेर बिताउने गर्छु I म अहिले ससानो छु भबिस्य मा ठुलो भएर धेरै पढेर पैलोट बन्ने रहर छ र मेरो परिवारलाई आफ्नो हवाइजहाज मा देस विदेश घुमाउने लक्ष्य लिएको छु I

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