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Childhood in Bhutan

by Monjila

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Childhood in Bhutan
भुटानमा बाल्यकाल
Monjila Raí

My Grandpa and Grandma didn’t go to school because you could be cursed for getting knowledge. They were told that if they went to school, bad things could happen to them. My grandma says now, “It is them that are cursed now.” She wanted to go to school, but didn’t have any choice but to work.
मेरो हजुरबा र हजुरआमाले स्कूल जानु पाएन I स्कूल जाँदा सराप लाग्ने भनाइ थियो I स्कूल गयो भने सबै कुरा नराम्रो हुन्छ भन्ने थियो त्यो जवानमा I मेरो हजुरआमाले भन्नु हुन्छ "जसले हामीलाई स्कूल जानु दिएन तिनीहरुलाई नै सराप लागेको छ"I हजुरआमालाई स्कूल जानु सारै रहर थियो तर गरिबीको कारणले गर्दा त्यो सम्भव भएन I
My grandparents worked on a farm and grew pumpkin and kale. They also were goat shepherds. They made sure everyone had something to eat each day.
मेरो हजुरबा हजुरआमाले तरकारीमा फर्सी,साग फुलाउनु हुन्थ्यो I उनीहरु भेडा बाख्राको गोठाला पनि थिए I जति सुकै भएपनि दुख गरेर आफ्नो परिवालाई खान सक्ने सम्म जुराउनु हुन्थ्यो I
They had many chores. They didn’t have school, but had lots of work to do at home. As children, they washed the clothes, dishes, got the water, cooked dinner, and cleaned animals. It was a lot of work for small children.
स्कूल नगए पनि घरको गृहकार्य भने प्रसस्त हुन्थ्यो I सानै देखि घरको काम गर्नमा लागेका थिए I घरको घंदा, कपडा धुने, खाना पकाउने देखि पशुको श्यार शुसार सबै आफै गर्नु पर्ने हुन्थ्यो I
My grandma loved growing corn the best. She said it made the most food and it was easy to grow. She still likes corn here.
मेरो हजुरआमालाई मकै फुलौना सारै मन पर्थ्यो र अहिले पनि यहाँ यसै गर्नु हुन्छ I
I can’t really imagine growing up like my grandparents. It was fun to ask them questions about our home and learn about them. I like Colorado a lot. I like the state and school because it is fun. I also like the teachers because they fill me with joy and I like holidays.
मलाई मेरो हजुरामा संग कुरा गर्दा अचम्म लगेर आउछ कि म तेसरी कसरि बाच्थे होला I उहा संग कुरा गर्दा धेरै रमाइलो र धेरै कुराको ज्ञान आउछ I मलाई कोलोराडो सारै मन पर्छ र स्कूल पनि I मलाई यहाको स्कूल, सिक्षक सिक्षिका सबै मन पर्छ किनभने उहा हरुले मलाई धेरै माया गर्नु हुन्छ I

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