Book Creator

Digital Album

by Blanca Mondragón Guido

Pages 2 and 3 of 22

Digital Album.
Blanca Abigail Mondragón Guido.
1. The Language Lesson Structure.
Three important reasons why I chose this topic:

1. The importance of the lesson structure is the order.

2. As teachers we should be a guide in teaching children.

3. The structure of the lesson helps us to have everything established in time.
Five important words in the Language Lesson Structure.
1. Language:
2. Openings:
We should encourage the learning of vocabulary.

The opening of a lesson consists of helping students prepare and motivation.
4. Rhythm: 
It is important because it includes observation of students in their participation and work time.
3. Sequence:
It is how a lesson is divided into segments and how they relate to each other.
5. Closing: 
It is where we can observe and support the student with the topic of the class.
2. Resourcing and Materials.
Important points of the topic are:


Three important reasons why I chose this topic:

1. The resources include reflection within the classroom.

2. It is important for enriching learning.

3. Teachers are critical users of resources.
Five important words in the Resourcing
and Materials.
1.Selecting resources.
* Opportunities
* Connections
* Impact
2.Authentic Resources.
• Authentic resources enlarge understandings of language and culture.
3.Adapting Resources.
• Resources need to be personalised to allow for learners to connect with them. 