Book Creator

exposenda ebook


Pages 6 and 7 of 29

Chapter 2:

Meat Detector

This is our device, this device is used to perfectly measure
the properties of meat, and based on this it uses energy via
cable and you can also put batteries in our device.
A method to check the properties of the meat is in a
laboratory, already with syringes etc ... This method is
easier, the only thing we have to do is put the raw meat in
this device and it will tell you which are the fat that it has
among other things
Experiment: What we need to do first is buy the meat in
this case, we are going to buy two. One of quality and the
other that isn’t recommended. We will then put the meat in
the device, and the device is going to tell us how much fat it
has, whether you can eat it or not. We will se the color that
the meat has and it will tell you if the meat has the right
color to be sold.
Finally but not less important, it will tell
you if it smells good, because this divide includes a robot
that can smell the product.

Conclusion/result: Finally, we see that the meat is ready
to be sent to sell, because they are going to have to check
that it’s right, and if the meat is fine and if it has good color,
and smell. They are going to put the price and then they
are going to see that they can eat it without any problems.
How can this device change your life?
Hypothesis: We think that this device will change our lives
because nowadays, we do not know if when we eat meat we
are going to be sick because the bacteria of the meat, so we
think that this instrument will tell you if we can or can not
eat the meat. I also think that it is very good, because it can
be used with electricity or batteries.
Experiment: What we need to do first is buy the meat in
this case, we are going to buy two. One of quality and the
other that isn’t recommended. We will then put the meat in
the device, and the device is going to tell us how much fat it
has, whether you can eat it or not. We will se the color that
the meat has and it will tell you if the meat has the right
color to be sold.
Finally but not less important, it will tell
you if it smells good, because this divide includes a robot
that can smell the product.

Conclusion/result: Finally, we see that the meat is ready
to be sent to sell, because they are going to have to check
that it’s right, and if the meat is fine and if it has good color,
and smell. They are going to put the price and then they
are going to see that they can eat it without any problems.