Book Creator

The Story of Brendan Espinoza

by Joshua Bezanilla

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The story of
By: Josh Bezanilla
After Chase got out of the courtroom, it looked like Shoshanna was into Chase, so she is off my list. Next is Kimberly Tooley, she is a tricky one. I need to come up with a plan of "attack." The first thing he thought is what she likes. 1. She likes Video Club. 2. She liked Leaf Man. 3. She likes being in videos.
And that's when the idea hit! LEAF MAN V2!! Kimberly is Leaf Girl! I am Leaf Man again! The plan is that I go first, then Kimberly. On her side there is a small ramp. So when she goes off the ramp I can catch her. And, we will see what happens from there.
The next day of school I tell Chase what my plan is. He says he will help, I don't know about Shoshanna though. Chase said he will ask her. I hope this goes great!
Today is the day! It is going to happen! Me, Chase and Kimberly are setting up the leaf pile at the bottom of the hill. I am so excited! Chase and I are setting up the dividers, and the borders so we don't hit the curb. Alright, here it comes! Chase is pouring the syrup on Kimberly, sugar free of course.
Kimberly looks weird with syrup all over her. Chase gives me the Evil Villain look as he gets a new bottle of syrup, he doesn't scare me. He unscrews the cap of the syrup bottle. Then he pours it all over me. The syrup actually taste good. Now I am drenched in sugar free syrup. Chase puts on rubber gloves to help us up. We are lined up now, It's about to happen!
Chase is setting up the camera near the bottom of the hill. Chase has the ramp, so I distract Kimberly while he sets up the ramp. When Chase was done with the ramp, he gave me a thumbs up. So then I go down the hill, going super fast in 2 seconds. I land in the leaf pile, hurrying to get ready to catch Kimberly. Kimberly goes, then goes off the ramp....