Book Creator


by Sinem Nazlı


What is
Creating Copyright?
Or What Isn’t?
Copyright doesn’t automatically mean, “This is mine. Don’t touch it!”. Copyrighted material can be used in certain circumstances
Copyright isn’t the only license on digital media. There are other licenses that give you more freedoms to use that media.
Here are the main points for understanding the copyright :
Not all images can be used legally without getting permission.
Downloading videos from YouTube is possible, but it’s against YouTube’s terms of service.
Just because you bought a song or album doesn’t mean you can use it however you want. 
If you’re going to share sth on websites;
1)Create your own materials 
2)Don’t use any private information
3)If an idea is similar, that’s probably OK as long as it doesn’t take content from other 
Can someone use it commercially? - Yes
Can someone create new version of it? - Yes
You are free to:
Share & Adapt
 Can someone use it commercially? - Yes
Can someone create new version of it? - Yes and the new work must be licenced under a share alike licence
You are free to:
Share & Adapt
 Can someone use it commercially? - No
Can someone create new version of it? - Yes, the new work
must be non-commercial but it can be under any non-commercial
You are free to:
Share & Adapt
 Can someone use it commercially? - Yes
Can someone create new version of it? - No
You are free to:
Share & Adapt
 Can someone use it commercially? - No
Can someone create new version of it? - Yes and the new work
must be licenced under a Non-Commercial Share Alike licence
You are free to:
Share & Adapt
 Can someone use it commercially? - No
Can someone create new version of it? - No
Seçil Köklü Gülseven/ Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre/ Manisa
This is my CC
Abidin TÜRKKOLU/ Vali Muzaffer Ecemiş Secondary School
By Emre
Atatürk Secondary School Yunusemre/Manisa- Seçil Köklü Gülseven
By İnci