Book Creator

The Power of Experience

by charlotte

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

My portfolio is the beginnings of a graphic novel that explores the themes of trauma, experience, and reclaiming of lost power. The story follows four girls: Zara, Isoken, Aidan, and Eun-ha, who gain power from their struggles in a quite literal sense, and band together in an attempt to heal. In this portfolio you will see character sketches as well as the background stories for each of the main characters. My goal is to eventually have a completed graphic novel.
"None of their mothers knew they were pregnant until two weeks too late. All four had needed the money, and the medical trials paid well. By the time the two weeks passed, it was useless, and they waited with cold dread for the doctors to sit them down and tell them about extra limbs, inverted organs, the outtakes of a zombie movie’s gore. They expected hard months and long nights and guilt that would last them years. 

But the appointments came and went, and the ultrasounds showed no irregularities, and the mothers held their breath a little braver, and they labored long and hard and painfully until there were five little children, three girls and one boy. And the babies were picture-perfect. The mothers counted and recounted, and checked and rechecked, but nothing changed. There were ten fingers and ten toes, and two chubby cheeks and wide eyes. And their mothers loved them twice as much, and combed baby hair with their fingers, and thanked their Gods for the little children. "