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Marie Curie


Pages 4 and 5 of 8

child hood
as a young girl, Marie was a girl with good memory and she was a brilliant girl , while in her early life
she had secondary education and she could really solve everything if she put her mind to it.
This was really seen by people hosting contest
making her win in a Russian secondary school tho this happiness didn't last very long and her father had lost all his saving money to investments and other things.
she took a job as a university teacher to help her father and sister with money and take care of herself at the same time and this was hard for Marie was working very hard for it and she was getting minimum wage for working at the university, but sadly her sister died at a very young age while she was working
the a illness called Typhus, causing her to die very slowly but painless.
life span
While in the university, she had originality joined in 1906.
she had been a really good teacher and she would teach young people much more then the normal teachers in the other classes and she was later in life she was gifted a Nobel prize and she would still work at the university
winning yet another Nobel prize a second time in chemistry in 1911, she was a very, how do i say it, advanced teacher at that university and she stayed there working for many years.

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