Book Creator


by Begoña Toro


Speech Bubble
A collaborative text written by 3A
One night, Millie was up late reading in bed. She finished the book she was reading (The Story of Ferdinand) and looked over to her shelves to see what else she might read before she went to bed. Right there on her shelf was something she had never seen before. It was a blue bottle. The blue bottle was about as tall as a small book, had a round bottom, and a thin neck. And while the bottle looked as if it were made out of glass, Millie could not see through it. Millie got out of bed and went over to the bottle. She picked it up, carefully, afraid that it might break. She was surprised at just how heavy it was. Certainly heavier than any other bottle this size she had ever before lifted.
She looked down into the bottle, but it was too dark inside to see anything. So she shook it. She heard a rattling sound. There was something inside! She turned the bottle upside down and shook it again, to see if anything would fall out. Something almost fell out and then it didn't. Whatever was inside was now stuck in the bottle's neck. Millie shook harder and harder. Finally, something small fell onto the floor. It was a letter from a stranger.

The letter said, ”Dear Sir/Madam, if you read this, it is because you have found this bottle; be careful! Maybe you are not going to believe this, but this bottle is magic! I called it the ``Black hole bottle´´ because it can absorb anything. Destroy the bottle, or it will absorb you!
Then Millie started getting nervous, thinking “It´s real or it isn't´? I don't really want to know it, it's better if I destroy it”.
But Millie realised it was too late to do that, and, suddenly, the bottle started vibrating on the floor, and inside it a tornado was formed ! The tornado trapped Millie, and she was introduced into the bottle. 

When that happened, Millie appeared in a world parallel to hers. All her family, friends and people she knew were there, but no one recognized her. She started to get nervous and didn't know what to do. So, she went to a quiet place and began to think about what she could do to return to the real world, until suddenly something appeared …
It was a giant spider that was looking at her! 

Ana María
The spider kept shouting “What are you doing here, you Millie!” She wondered, how does he know my name?. Suddenly the spider was next to Millie and they were in a house that she felt familiar with. Had she been there before? The house was full of clocks, they all showed the same time, except one, as they were getting closer the clock hands spinned faster and faster.

What are you doing here, you Millie!
Thought Bubble
That spider was chasing her, so she started running as much as she could, but  she didn't have the strength to keep running so she went somewhere that would serve as a hiding place. It worked! She distracted the spider and little by little she got farther away so she came out of her hiding place and the idea of calling with the cell phone she had in her pocket came to her mind. She called her mother and father but neither believed her, so she had the idea of staying there until they started thinking about where she might be. Later, when one week had passed and no one had called her or anything, she thought that she would never get out of there.
