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How the Hedgehog got its Spikes

by Hana

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How the Hedgehog got its Spikes
Written by Hana Grabovica
In the beginning, when the natural world was formed, many animals were created, and so were their habitats. In the dense vegetation of the Woodlands, there lived a courteous, timid hedgehog. Most days, she would spend her time hanging out with her friends, which are very supportive of her, and roaming around the woods, in search for food.

Early one Sunday morning, Hedgehog skipped along the damp, muddy path chatting quite quickly to one another. “Hi Hedgehog!” exclaimed Bunny happily. “Would you care to join us?”
“Yes please!” Replied back Hedgehog in joy. “I’m coming!”
A few minutes later, the sly fox approached, “Why, hello there furball!” he laughed. “Scaredy cat!”
“Hey! Leave her alone!” Shouted Bunny. “She hasn’t done anything wrong!” Being tough wasn’t always easy for little bunny, as she is polite, friendly and very supportive of Hedgehog.
Pleased, squirrel smiled to himself proudly as he commented to fox. Hedgehog thought that squirrel and Bunny were very brave to stand up for her like that. So, she thought that if they could do it, she could too.
“S-Stop it Fox!” she stammered. “I-I-I’m not scared of anything!”
“Teehee! Soo true!” he spitefully and sarcastically yelled. “Ok then, if you really think that you are not scared of anything, I DARE YOU to go into that house, then!”

But before hedgehog could say anything, Fox threw her on top of the house’s windowsill. Shocked and worried, shaking and fearful, Hedgehog pounced on to the wooden floor, wondering how she would escape.
A few minutes passed, which seemed like a long hour, she surveyed the giant, spacious room. Suddenly, she had a bright idea. She spotted some pins and thought about sticking them on to her back, as if to protect herself from predators and other spiteful animals. Hedgehog hesitated for a moment; she decided to do it! From now on, she will try to get braver and face her fear! One by one, she pushed them on: It was a challenge, but she achieved her goal. It hurt at first; she eventually was used to it and, felt better. Jumping from the sofa to the windowsill, Hedgehog was relieved that she had made it: she pounced down and landed on to a shallow puddle of mud. After that, she waddled back to her friends.
Now, this is how the hedgehog got her spikes. Furthermore, she is now brave and strong; she never fears of cruel fox.
“Always stand up for yourself, face your fear, never be fearful; it’s good to be different.”

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